Digital Production Buzz Interview
I was interviewed live tonight on the 100th Anniversary show of the Digital Production Buzz. Great fun in the studio with the guys...we even celebrated with Champagne!
Here's the link to the show, I thought you all would enjoy listening to the pod cast:
And speaking of interviews...I forgot to mention that one of the meetings I had last week at NATPE in Vegas was with the head of marketing for Customflix. She agreed to let me interview her for our next Distribution Talks teleconference,
and let us pick her brains on the secrets to succeeding in self-distribution through Customflix. She told me some amazing success stories of a few filmmakers who sold tens of thousands of units in the less than six months, and how they did it. Stay tuned for date and time!
And in other news....the new membership site I promised you *Film Specific* is under the last phase of construction - I'm just working on uploading all the copy and doing all the final get ready for the big unveiling hopefully in the next few weeks. I'm still taking all suggestions under consideration, so if you have any thoughts on types of content you want, please let me know.
Finally, I've been getting a lot of requests lately not only to do business plans, but to do distribution plans - meaning,some filmmakers want me to read their script or listen to their concept, and write up an analysis of what their options are, and give my recommendations in order to position their film better for future distribution.
If you would be interested in this service, just let me know.We can work out a customized consulting package for you.
Thanks for all of you who wrote in with their Sundance
insights....very interesting to hear that not even the panels are geared towards real independents....
And let me know what you think of the Digital Production Buzz
pod cast!
PS: Want to learn about self-distribution yourself? Check
out my Self Distribution Starter Kit at
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